APPPATH/views/map/map.php [ 14 ]
9 $x=0;
10 foreach($_map_markers as $md)
11 {
12 if($x!=0){echo ",";}
13 ?>
14 ["<?php echo $md['name']?>",<?php echo $md['latitude'];?>,<?php echo $md['longitude'];?>, 1, "<?php echo $md['asciiname'];?>",'<?php echo $md['marker'];?>','<?php echo $md['url'];?>']
15 <?php
16 $x++;
17 }
18 }
19 ?>
APPPATH/views/map/map.php [ 14 ] » Kohana_Core::error_handler(arguments)
integer 8
string(20) "Undefined index: url"
string(60) "/var/www/"
integer 14
array(9) ( "kohana_view_filename" => string(60) "/var/www/" "kohana_view_data" => array(5) ( "_map_markers" => array(1) ( 0 => array(5) ( "name" => string(4) "Blog" "latitude" => NULL "longitude" => NULL "asciiname" => string(0) "" "marker" => string(55) "" ) ) "map_zoom" => integer 5 "map_bounds" => bool TRUE "c_latitude" => NULL "c_longitude" => NULL ) "_map_markers" => array(1) ( 0 => array(5) ( "name" => string(4) "Blog" "latitude" => NULL "longitude" => NULL "asciiname" => string(0) "" "marker" => string(55) "" ) ) "map_zoom" => integer 5 "map_bounds" => bool TRUE "c_latitude" => NULL "c_longitude" => NULL "x" => integer 0 "md" => array(5) ( "name" => string(4) "Blog" "latitude" => NULL "longitude" => NULL "asciiname" => string(0) "" "marker" => string(55) "" ) )
9 $x=0; 10 foreach($_map_markers as $md) 11 { 12 if($x!=0){echo ",";} 13 ?> 14 ["<?php echo $md['name']?>",<?php echo $md['latitude'];?>,<?php echo $md['longitude'];?>, 1, "<?php echo $md['asciiname'];?>",'<?php echo $md['marker'];?>','<?php echo $md['url'];?>'] 15 <?php 16 $x++; 17 } 18 } 19 ?>
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include(arguments)
string(60) "/var/www/"
57 ob_start(); 58 59 try 60 { 61 // Load the view within the current scope 62 include $kohana_view_filename; 63 } 64 catch (Exception $e) 65 { 66 // Delete the output buffer 67 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(60) "/var/www/"
array(5) ( "_map_markers" => array(1) ( 0 => array(5) ( "name" => string(4) "Blog" "latitude" => NULL "longitude" => NULL "asciiname" => string(0) "" "marker" => string(55) "" ) ) "map_zoom" => integer 5 "map_bounds" => bool TRUE "c_latitude" => NULL "c_longitude" => NULL )
354 { 355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 356 } 357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data); 360 } 361 362 }
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 236 ] » Kohana_View->render()
231 */ 232 public function __toString() 233 { 234 try 235 { 236 return $this->render(); 237 } 238 catch (Exception $e) 239 { 240 /** 241 * Display the exception message.
APPPATH/views/_country/index.php [ 10 ] » Kohana_View->__toString()
5 <li><a class="link-effect" href="<?php echo URL::site();?><?php echo $country['continent']['asciiname'];?>"><?php echo $country['continent']['name']?></a></li> 6 <li><?php echo $country['name'];?></li> 7 </ol> 8 </div> 9 10 <?php echo $_map ?> 11 12 13 <?php 14 if(!empty($country['desperado']['data'])) 15 {
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include(arguments)
string(67) "/var/www/"
57 ob_start(); 58 59 try 60 { 61 // Load the view within the current scope 62 include $kohana_view_filename; 63 } 64 catch (Exception $e) 65 { 66 // Delete the output buffer 67 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(67) "/var/www/"
array(8) ( "_map" => object View(2)
{ protected _file => string(60) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(5) ( "_map_markers" => array(1) ( 0 => array(5) ( "name" => string(4) "Blog" "latitude" => NULL "longitude" => NULL "asciiname" => string(0) "" "marker" => string(55) "" ) ) "map_zoom" => integer 5 "map_bounds" => bool TRUE "c_latitude" => NULL "c_longitude" => NULL ) }
"clanky" => integer 0 "fotogalerie" => integer 0 "cestopisy" => integer 0 "videa" => integer 0 "country" => array(15) ( "id" => string(3) "271" "atlas_content" => string(108) "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> " "seo_title" => NULL "seo_description" => NULL "seo_keywords" => NULL "name" => string(4) "Blog" "asciiname" => string(4) "blog" "url" => string(4) "blog" "latitude" => NULL "longitude" => NULL "continent" => NULL "marker" => string(55) "" "title_image" => NULL "pocet_clanku" => string(1) "0" "desperado" => array(1) ( "page_links" => string(0) "" ) ) "continents" => array(3) ( 0 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "AF" "name" => string(6) "Afrika" "asciiname" => string(7) "/afrika" "latitude" => string(7) "7.18810" "longitude" => string(8) "21.09375" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "28" "url" => string(7) "/afrika" ) 1 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "EU" "name" => string(6) "Evropa" "asciiname" => string(7) "/evropa" "latitude" => string(8) "48.69096" "longitude" => string(7) "9.14062" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "39" "url" => string(7) "/evropa" ) 2 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "NA" "name" => string(7) "Amerika" "asciiname" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" "latitude" => string(8) "46.07323" "longitude" => string(10) "-100.54688" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "21" "url" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" ) ) "desperado" => array(12) ( 0 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "1846" "nazev" => string(39) "Sirmione je perlou jezera Lago di Garda" "url" => string(142) " …" "text" => string(109) "Malebné městečko Sirmione (v nářečí gardesano Sirmiù) se nachází v severní Itálii, v regionu..." "zeme" => string(7) "Itálie" "title_image" => string(36) "3b1b6e266b8a40e059df1d3dd7cfd63f.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(35) "Sirmione na Lago di Garda (Itálie)" ) 1 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "3487" "nazev" => string(54) "Faaker See je nejjižněji položené rakouské jezero" "url" => string(145) " …" "text" => string(101) "Když se řekne Rakousko, mnoho lidí si vybaví doslova až panenskou přírodu, architektonické..." "zeme" => string(8) "Rakousko" "title_image" => string(36) "88aca22ba62e0dc82e97edfc1cfd43c1.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(32) "Faaker See (Korutany - Rakousko)" ) 2 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "2213" "nazev" => string(35) "Hérakleion - hlavní město Kréty" "url" => string(112) "" "text" => string(102) "Krétská metropole Hérakleion (chcete-li Iraklio) má v současné době na 170 tisíc obyvatel...." "zeme" => string(6) "Řecko" "title_image" => string(36) "5556773be33a1aaa908ed28780bf9fd6.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(40) "Herakleion (Iraklio) na Krétě (Řecko)" ) 3 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "1602" "nazev" => string(19) "Fotogalerie Káhira" "url" => string(126) "" "text" => string(105) "Cestu Egyptem nejde začít nikde jinde než v Káhiře. Hlavní město je zároveň nejlidnatějším..." "zeme" => string(5) "Egypt" "title_image" => string(36) "fdf0b0132c242a5392f34c3fee80cec0.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(15) "Káhira (Egypt)" ) 4 => array(7) ( "id" => string(3) "939" "nazev" => string(27) "Douz – brána do pouště" "url" => string(115) "" "text" => string(107) "Oáza Douz je označována za tuniskou bránu Sahary. Douz je největší ze západních tuniských oáz..." "zeme" => string(7) "Tunisko" "title_image" => string(36) "f5f7f2868ca9b4c6a47342724b6a58dd.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(14) "Douz (Tunisko)" ) 5 => array(7) ( "id" => string(2) "59" "nazev" => string(49) "Řecko – recenze o starodávném světě antiky" "url" => string(107) "" "text" => string(114) "Stará řecká kultura položila základy naší dnešní evropské civilizace, která již po staletí čerpá..." "zeme" => string(6) "Řecko" "title_image" => string(36) "5615efe8a7bcdc11a6da46b322c35226.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(28) "Řecká vojenská přilbice " ) 6 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "3470" "nazev" => string(32) "Štětín a jeho malebné okolí" "url" => string(123) "" "text" => string(113) "Štětín se stal jedním z nejvýznamnějších měst v Polsku. Přestože leží asi 60 kilometrů od moře,..." "zeme" => string(6) "Polsko" "title_image" => string(36) "2885f161af290f969d7c5f9084d11d63.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(18) "Štětín (Polsko)" ) 7 => array(7) ( "id" => string(2) "57" "nazev" => string(39) "Španělsko – nejkrásnější místa" "url" => string(111) "" "text" => string(109) "Jednou z nejrozmanitějších a nejzajímavějších evropských zemí je bezesporu Španělsko. Jakoby se..." "zeme" => string(11) "Španělsko" "title_image" => string(36) "6d7431f719dbc0f18b562283b74ecafb.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(11) "Španělsko" ) 8 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "2188" "nazev" => string(18) "Zámek Konopiště" "url" => string(111) "" "text" => string(108) "Státní zámek Konopiště, nacházející se nedaleko Benešova, je významnou památkou v romantickém..." "zeme" => string(17) "Česká republika" "title_image" => string(36) "6475cd2c75f049a40aeb3b0dc9aea50a.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(38) "Zámek Konopiště (Česká republika)" ) 9 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "2170" "nazev" => string(40) "Deník z Jižní Afriky (část 23 / 32)" "url" => string(133) " …" "text" => string(100) "Jihoafrická republika, Lesotho, Svazijsko, Mosambik, Zimbabwe, Zambie (26.9. – 22.10.2006) 15...." "zeme" => string(22) "Jihoafrická republika" "title_image" => string(36) "3d2d82ca41cdba705a08373507dc410f.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(32) "Žirafy (Jihoafrická republika)" ) 10 => array(7) ( "id" => string(3) "150" "nazev" => string(31) "Thajsko – Zeměpis a podnebí" "url" => string(120) "" "text" => string(103) "Thajsko sousedí na jihu s Malajsií, na západě s Myanmarem, na severu Laosem a východní hranici..." "zeme" => string(7) "Thajsko" "title_image" => string(36) "425454044bb57411300ef40873cca8a7.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(7) "Thajsko" ) 11 => array(7) ( "id" => string(3) "959" "nazev" => string(14) "Bay of Islands" "url" => string(109) "" "text" => string(110) "Bay of Islands je nádherná zátoka. Je jedním z nejnavštěvovanějších míst Nového Zélandu vůbec...." "zeme" => string(13) "Nový Zéland" "title_image" => string(36) "83d5381d3a450ec9c62b3a420b3902bf.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(30) "Bay of Islands (Nový Zéland)" ) ) )354 { 355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 356 } 357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data); 360 } 361 362 }
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 236 ] » Kohana_View->render()
231 */ 232 public function __toString() 233 { 234 try 235 { 236 return $this->render(); 237 } 238 catch (Exception $e) 239 { 240 /** 241 * Display the exception message.
APPPATH/views/template.php [ 54 ] » Kohana_View->__toString()
49 <?php echo $breadcrumbs; ?> 50 </div> 51 </div> 52 </div> 53 54 <?php echo $_slot_view;?> 55 56 <?php if(empty($_slot_right_col_hidden)){echo $_slot_right_col; } ?> 57 58 <div id="scroll-end" class="clearfix"></div> 59
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include(arguments)
string(61) "/var/www/"
57 ob_start(); 58 59 try 60 { 61 // Load the view within the current scope 62 include $kohana_view_filename; 63 } 64 catch (Exception $e) 65 { 66 // Delete the output buffer 67 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(61) "/var/www/"
array(9) ( "_header" => object View(2)
{ protected _file => string(66) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(12) ( "_css" => NULL "page_title" => string(24) "Blog |" "page_descript" => NULL "author" => string(17) "" "site_name" => string(17) "" "title_image" => NULL "keywords" => NULL "_json_ld" => NULL "_canonical_url" => NULL "_follow" => string(13) "index, follow" "_next_link" => NULL "_prev_link" => NULL ) }
"_navigation" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(70) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(6) ( "_active" => string(0) "" "_form_action" => string(0) "" "_form_query" => string(0) "" "q" => string(0) "" "selected" => string(0) "" "topcarousel" => array(6) ( 0 => array(8) ( "id" => string(4) "4340" "nazev" => string(84) "Jak najít skryté perly: Objevování méně známých míst mimo turistické trasy" "url" => string(169) " …" "seo_title" => string(61) "Jak najít skrytá místa: Cestování mimo turistické trasy" "text" => string(109) "Cestování se za poslední roky stalo masovou záležitostí. Největší světové metropole a ikonická..." "zeme" => string(13) "Rady na cestu" "title_image" => string(36) "e417fa4244d742e79f1c222494c87f69.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(24) "Jak najít skryté perly" ) 1 => array(8) ( "id" => string(4) "2203" "nazev" => string(67) "Poklidné městečko Josselin se zámkem, jež je symbolem Bretaně" "url" => string(156) " …" "seo_title" => string(75) "Josselin ukrývá sídlo Rohanů, co je symbolem bretaňského středověku" "text" => string(109) "Představte si malebné městečko s hrázděnými domy, klikatícími se uličkami a majestátním hradem..." "zeme" => string(7) "Francie" "title_image" => string(36) "a15624679410ba97d458ac2f8c7bb0e5.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(39) "Městečko Josselin v Bretani (Francie)" ) 2 => array(8) ( "id" => string(4) "3930" "nazev" => string(65) "Chorvatské letovisko Novigrad je oblíbenou destinací na Istrii" "url" => string(158) " …" "seo_title" => string(41) "Novigrad je oblíbeným místem na Istrii" "text" => string(110) "Novigrad je kouzelné přímořské město na severozápadě chorvatské Istrie. Nabízí kombinaci bohaté..." "zeme" => string(10) "Chorvatsko" "title_image" => string(36) "d6a94a2f70a0c3df80e462a3e81c57a1.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(30) "Novigrad (Istrie - Chorvatsko)" ) 3 => array(8) ( "id" => string(4) "4338" "nazev" => string(38) "Hostýn: Poutní místo v srdci Moravy" "url" => string(130) " …" "seo_title" => string(55) "Objevte Hostýn: Poutní místo s impozantní bazilikou" "text" => string(112) "Hostýn, jedno z nejznámějších poutních míst v České republice, se nachází v Hostýnských vrších..." "zeme" => string(17) "Česká republika" "title_image" => string(36) "23c1500682a884d7a14294a08a0e9555.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(27) "Hostýn (Česká republika)" ) 4 => array(8) ( "id" => string(4) "4335" "nazev" => string(57) "Treviso: Město klidných kanálů a lahodného tiramisù" "url" => string(145) " …" "seo_title" => string(40) "Treviso: Skrytý poklad severní Itálie" "text" => string(101) "Treviso, kouzelné město na severu Itálie, se nachází v regionu Veneto, pouhých 30 kilometrů..." "zeme" => string(7) "Itálie" "title_image" => string(36) "52c90f7d8a69d7bb405235084a7869af.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(52) " Monte di Pietà v Trevisu (Benátsko - Itálie)" ) 5 => array(8) ( "id" => string(4) "4334" "nazev" => string(63) "Kypr a jeho přírodní krásy: Objevte ostrov bohyně Afrodity" "url" => string(153) " …" "seo_title" => string(77) "Kypr pro milovníky přírody: Nejkrásnější místa, která musíte vidět" "text" => string(109) "Kypr, třetí největší ostrov Středozemního moře, je známý nejen svou bohatou historií, ale také..." "zeme" => string(4) "Kypr" "title_image" => string(36) "20b134bc088f2341225f9f0c60ffb332.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(17) "Cavo Greco (Kypr)" ) ) ) }
"_slot_view" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(67) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(8) ( "_map" => object View(2)
"_footer_html" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(60) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(5) ( "_map_markers" => array(1) ( 0 => array(5) ( "name" => string(4) "Blog" "latitude" => NULL "longitude" => NULL "asciiname" => string(0) "" "marker" => string(55) "" ) ) "map_zoom" => integer 5 "map_bounds" => bool TRUE "c_latitude" => NULL "c_longitude" => NULL ) }
"clanky" => integer 0 "fotogalerie" => integer 0 "cestopisy" => integer 0 "videa" => integer 0 "country" => array(15) ( "id" => string(3) "271" "atlas_content" => string(108) "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> " "seo_title" => NULL "seo_description" => NULL "seo_keywords" => NULL "name" => string(4) "Blog" "asciiname" => string(4) "blog" "url" => string(4) "blog" "latitude" => NULL "longitude" => NULL "continent" => NULL "marker" => string(55) "" "title_image" => NULL "pocet_clanku" => string(1) "0" "desperado" => array(1) ( "page_links" => string(0) "" ) ) "continents" => array(3) ( 0 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "AF" "name" => string(6) "Afrika" "asciiname" => string(7) "/afrika" "latitude" => string(7) "7.18810" "longitude" => string(8) "21.09375" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "28" "url" => string(7) "/afrika" ) 1 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "EU" "name" => string(6) "Evropa" "asciiname" => string(7) "/evropa" "latitude" => string(8) "48.69096" "longitude" => string(7) "9.14062" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "39" "url" => string(7) "/evropa" ) 2 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "NA" "name" => string(7) "Amerika" "asciiname" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" "latitude" => string(8) "46.07323" "longitude" => string(10) "-100.54688" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "21" "url" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" ) ) "desperado" => array(12) ( 0 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "1846" "nazev" => string(39) "Sirmione je perlou jezera Lago di Garda" "url" => string(142) " …" "text" => string(109) "Malebné městečko Sirmione (v nářečí gardesano Sirmiù) se nachází v severní Itálii, v regionu..." "zeme" => string(7) "Itálie" "title_image" => string(36) "3b1b6e266b8a40e059df1d3dd7cfd63f.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(35) "Sirmione na Lago di Garda (Itálie)" ) 1 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "3487" "nazev" => string(54) "Faaker See je nejjižněji položené rakouské jezero" "url" => string(145) " …" "text" => string(101) "Když se řekne Rakousko, mnoho lidí si vybaví doslova až panenskou přírodu, architektonické..." "zeme" => string(8) "Rakousko" "title_image" => string(36) "88aca22ba62e0dc82e97edfc1cfd43c1.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(32) "Faaker See (Korutany - Rakousko)" ) 2 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "2213" "nazev" => string(35) "Hérakleion - hlavní město Kréty" "url" => string(112) "" "text" => string(102) "Krétská metropole Hérakleion (chcete-li Iraklio) má v současné době na 170 tisíc obyvatel...." "zeme" => string(6) "Řecko" "title_image" => string(36) "5556773be33a1aaa908ed28780bf9fd6.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(40) "Herakleion (Iraklio) na Krétě (Řecko)" ) 3 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "1602" "nazev" => string(19) "Fotogalerie Káhira" "url" => string(126) "" "text" => string(105) "Cestu Egyptem nejde začít nikde jinde než v Káhiře. Hlavní město je zároveň nejlidnatějším..." "zeme" => string(5) "Egypt" "title_image" => string(36) "fdf0b0132c242a5392f34c3fee80cec0.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(15) "Káhira (Egypt)" ) 4 => array(7) ( "id" => string(3) "939" "nazev" => string(27) "Douz – brána do pouště" "url" => string(115) "" "text" => string(107) "Oáza Douz je označována za tuniskou bránu Sahary. Douz je největší ze západních tuniských oáz..." "zeme" => string(7) "Tunisko" "title_image" => string(36) "f5f7f2868ca9b4c6a47342724b6a58dd.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(14) "Douz (Tunisko)" ) 5 => array(7) ( "id" => string(2) "59" "nazev" => string(49) "Řecko – recenze o starodávném světě antiky" "url" => string(107) "" "text" => string(114) "Stará řecká kultura položila základy naší dnešní evropské civilizace, která již po staletí čerpá..." "zeme" => string(6) "Řecko" "title_image" => string(36) "5615efe8a7bcdc11a6da46b322c35226.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(28) "Řecká vojenská přilbice " ) 6 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "3470" "nazev" => string(32) "Štětín a jeho malebné okolí" "url" => string(123) "" "text" => string(113) "Štětín se stal jedním z nejvýznamnějších měst v Polsku. Přestože leží asi 60 kilometrů od moře,..." "zeme" => string(6) "Polsko" "title_image" => string(36) "2885f161af290f969d7c5f9084d11d63.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(18) "Štětín (Polsko)" ) 7 => array(7) ( "id" => string(2) "57" "nazev" => string(39) "Španělsko – nejkrásnější místa" "url" => string(111) "" "text" => string(109) "Jednou z nejrozmanitějších a nejzajímavějších evropských zemí je bezesporu Španělsko. Jakoby se..." "zeme" => string(11) "Španělsko" "title_image" => string(36) "6d7431f719dbc0f18b562283b74ecafb.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(11) "Španělsko" ) 8 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "2188" "nazev" => string(18) "Zámek Konopiště" "url" => string(111) "" "text" => string(108) "Státní zámek Konopiště, nacházející se nedaleko Benešova, je významnou památkou v romantickém..." "zeme" => string(17) "Česká republika" "title_image" => string(36) "6475cd2c75f049a40aeb3b0dc9aea50a.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(38) "Zámek Konopiště (Česká republika)" ) 9 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "2170" "nazev" => string(40) "Deník z Jižní Afriky (část 23 / 32)" "url" => string(133) " …" "text" => string(100) "Jihoafrická republika, Lesotho, Svazijsko, Mosambik, Zimbabwe, Zambie (26.9. – 22.10.2006) 15...." "zeme" => string(22) "Jihoafrická republika" "title_image" => string(36) "3d2d82ca41cdba705a08373507dc410f.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(32) "Žirafy (Jihoafrická republika)" ) 10 => array(7) ( "id" => string(3) "150" "nazev" => string(31) "Thajsko – Zeměpis a podnebí" "url" => string(120) "" "text" => string(103) "Thajsko sousedí na jihu s Malajsií, na západě s Myanmarem, na severu Laosem a východní hranici..." "zeme" => string(7) "Thajsko" "title_image" => string(36) "425454044bb57411300ef40873cca8a7.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(7) "Thajsko" ) 11 => array(7) ( "id" => string(3) "959" "nazev" => string(14) "Bay of Islands" "url" => string(109) "" "text" => string(110) "Bay of Islands je nádherná zátoka. Je jedním z nejnavštěvovanějších míst Nového Zélandu vůbec...." "zeme" => string(13) "Nový Zéland" "title_image" => string(36) "83d5381d3a450ec9c62b3a420b3902bf.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(30) "Bay of Islands (Nový Zéland)" ) ) ) }{ protected _file => string(71) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(1) ( "_footer_banner" => NULL ) }
"_footer" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(66) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(1) ( "_scripts" => NULL ) }
"bg_white" => bool TRUE "breadcrumbs" => NULL "_slot_right_col" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(75) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(2) ( "siteconfig" => array(11) ( "server_url" => string(17) "" "imageserver" => string(20) "" "server_name" => string(17) "" "author" => string(17) "" "description" => string(46) " - Inspirace pro vaše cesty." "site_url" => string(25) "" "page_name" => string(17) "" "default_driver" => string(4) "file" "default_lifetime" => integer 60000 "gsm_api_key" => string(39) "AIzaSyD48UJ4Ir8Ev3BU4NeXZ-2l-wGx51-UKbQ" "openweatherkey" => string(32) "dc88375539835da276ef040156f95c3f" ) "continents" => array(3) ( 0 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "AF" "name" => string(6) "Afrika" "asciiname" => string(7) "/afrika" "latitude" => string(7) "7.18810" "longitude" => string(8) "21.09375" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "28" "url" => string(7) "/afrika" ) 1 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "EU" "name" => string(6) "Evropa" "asciiname" => string(7) "/evropa" "latitude" => string(8) "48.69096" "longitude" => string(7) "9.14062" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "39" "url" => string(7) "/evropa" ) 2 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "NA" "name" => string(7) "Amerika" "asciiname" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" "latitude" => string(8) "46.07323" "longitude" => string(10) "-100.54688" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "21" "url" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" ) ) ) }
"_footer_links" => array(0) )354 { 355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 356 } 357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data); 360 } 361 362 }
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Controller/Template.php [ 44 ] » Kohana_View->render()
39 */ 40 public function after() 41 { 42 if ($this->auto_render === TRUE) 43 { 44 $this->response->body($this->template->render()); 45 } 46 47 parent::after(); 48 } 49
APPPATH/classes/Controller/Theme.php [ 96 ] » Kohana_Controller_Template->after()
91 } 92 93 94 public function after() 95 { 96 parent::after(); 97 } 98 99 }
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Controller.php [ 87 ] » Controller_Theme->after()
82 83 // Execute the action itself 84 $this->{$action}(); 85 86 // Execute the "after action" method 87 $this->after(); 88 89 // Return the response 90 return $this->response; 91 } 92
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Controller->execute()
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client/Internal.php [ 94 ] » ReflectionMethod->invoke(arguments)
object Controller_Country(6)
{ public template => object View(2)
{ protected _file => string(61) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(9) ( "_header" => object View(2)
public auto_render => bool TRUE public request => object Request(19){ protected _file => string(66) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(12) ( "_css" => NULL "page_title" => string(24) "Blog |" "page_descript" => NULL "author" => string(17) "" "site_name" => string(17) "" "title_image" => NULL "keywords" => NULL "_json_ld" => NULL "_canonical_url" => NULL "_follow" => string(13) "index, follow" "_next_link" => NULL "_prev_link" => NULL ) }
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"_slot_view" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(67) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(8) ( "_map" => object View(2)
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"clanky" => integer 0 "fotogalerie" => integer 0 "cestopisy" => integer 0 "videa" => integer 0 "country" => array(15) ( "id" => string(3) "271" "atlas_content" => string(108) "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> " "seo_title" => NULL "seo_description" => NULL "seo_keywords" => NULL "name" => string(4) "Blog" "asciiname" => string(4) "blog" "url" => string(4) "blog" "latitude" => NULL "longitude" => NULL "continent" => NULL "marker" => string(55) "" "title_image" => NULL "pocet_clanku" => string(1) "0" "desperado" => array(1) ( "page_links" => string(0) "" ) ) "continents" => array(3) ( 0 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "AF" "name" => string(6) "Afrika" "asciiname" => string(7) "/afrika" "latitude" => string(7) "7.18810" "longitude" => string(8) "21.09375" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "28" "url" => string(7) "/afrika" ) 1 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "EU" "name" => string(6) "Evropa" "asciiname" => string(7) "/evropa" "latitude" => string(8) "48.69096" "longitude" => string(7) "9.14062" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "39" "url" => string(7) "/evropa" ) 2 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "NA" "name" => string(7) "Amerika" "asciiname" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" "latitude" => string(8) "46.07323" "longitude" => string(10) "-100.54688" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "21" "url" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" ) ) "desperado" => array(12) ( 0 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "1846" "nazev" => string(39) "Sirmione je perlou jezera Lago di Garda" "url" => string(142) " …" "text" => string(109) "Malebné městečko Sirmione (v nářečí gardesano Sirmiù) se nachází v severní Itálii, v regionu..." "zeme" => string(7) "Itálie" "title_image" => string(36) "3b1b6e266b8a40e059df1d3dd7cfd63f.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(35) "Sirmione na Lago di Garda (Itálie)" ) 1 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "3487" "nazev" => string(54) "Faaker See je nejjižněji položené rakouské jezero" "url" => string(145) " …" "text" => string(101) "Když se řekne Rakousko, mnoho lidí si vybaví doslova až panenskou přírodu, architektonické..." "zeme" => string(8) "Rakousko" "title_image" => string(36) "88aca22ba62e0dc82e97edfc1cfd43c1.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(32) "Faaker See (Korutany - Rakousko)" ) 2 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "2213" "nazev" => string(35) "Hérakleion - hlavní město Kréty" "url" => string(112) "" "text" => string(102) "Krétská metropole Hérakleion (chcete-li Iraklio) má v současné době na 170 tisíc obyvatel...." "zeme" => string(6) "Řecko" "title_image" => string(36) "5556773be33a1aaa908ed28780bf9fd6.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(40) "Herakleion (Iraklio) na Krétě (Řecko)" ) 3 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "1602" "nazev" => string(19) "Fotogalerie Káhira" "url" => string(126) "" "text" => string(105) "Cestu Egyptem nejde začít nikde jinde než v Káhiře. Hlavní město je zároveň nejlidnatějším..." "zeme" => string(5) "Egypt" "title_image" => string(36) "fdf0b0132c242a5392f34c3fee80cec0.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(15) "Káhira (Egypt)" ) 4 => array(7) ( "id" => string(3) "939" "nazev" => string(27) "Douz – brána do pouště" "url" => string(115) "" "text" => string(107) "Oáza Douz je označována za tuniskou bránu Sahary. Douz je největší ze západních tuniských oáz..." "zeme" => string(7) "Tunisko" "title_image" => string(36) "f5f7f2868ca9b4c6a47342724b6a58dd.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(14) "Douz (Tunisko)" ) 5 => array(7) ( "id" => string(2) "59" "nazev" => string(49) "Řecko – recenze o starodávném světě antiky" "url" => string(107) "" "text" => string(114) "Stará řecká kultura položila základy naší dnešní evropské civilizace, která již po staletí čerpá..." "zeme" => string(6) "Řecko" "title_image" => string(36) "5615efe8a7bcdc11a6da46b322c35226.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(28) "Řecká vojenská přilbice " ) 6 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "3470" "nazev" => string(32) "Štětín a jeho malebné okolí" "url" => string(123) "" "text" => string(113) "Štětín se stal jedním z nejvýznamnějších měst v Polsku. Přestože leží asi 60 kilometrů od moře,..." "zeme" => string(6) "Polsko" "title_image" => string(36) "2885f161af290f969d7c5f9084d11d63.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(18) "Štětín (Polsko)" ) 7 => array(7) ( "id" => string(2) "57" "nazev" => string(39) "Španělsko – nejkrásnější místa" "url" => string(111) "" "text" => string(109) "Jednou z nejrozmanitějších a nejzajímavějších evropských zemí je bezesporu Španělsko. Jakoby se..." "zeme" => string(11) "Španělsko" "title_image" => string(36) "6d7431f719dbc0f18b562283b74ecafb.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(11) "Španělsko" ) 8 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "2188" "nazev" => string(18) "Zámek Konopiště" "url" => string(111) "" "text" => string(108) "Státní zámek Konopiště, nacházející se nedaleko Benešova, je významnou památkou v romantickém..." "zeme" => string(17) "Česká republika" "title_image" => string(36) "6475cd2c75f049a40aeb3b0dc9aea50a.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(38) "Zámek Konopiště (Česká republika)" ) 9 => array(7) ( "id" => string(4) "2170" "nazev" => string(40) "Deník z Jižní Afriky (část 23 / 32)" "url" => string(133) " …" "text" => string(100) "Jihoafrická republika, Lesotho, Svazijsko, Mosambik, Zimbabwe, Zambie (26.9. – 22.10.2006) 15...." "zeme" => string(22) "Jihoafrická republika" "title_image" => string(36) "3d2d82ca41cdba705a08373507dc410f.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(32) "Žirafy (Jihoafrická republika)" ) 10 => array(7) ( "id" => string(3) "150" "nazev" => string(31) "Thajsko – Zeměpis a podnebí" "url" => string(120) "" "text" => string(103) "Thajsko sousedí na jihu s Malajsií, na západě s Myanmarem, na severu Laosem a východní hranici..." "zeme" => string(7) "Thajsko" "title_image" => string(36) "425454044bb57411300ef40873cca8a7.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(7) "Thajsko" ) 11 => array(7) ( "id" => string(3) "959" "nazev" => string(14) "Bay of Islands" "url" => string(109) "" "text" => string(110) "Bay of Islands je nádherná zátoka. Je jedním z nejnavštěvovanějších míst Nového Zélandu vůbec...." "zeme" => string(13) "Nový Zéland" "title_image" => string(36) "83d5381d3a450ec9c62b3a420b3902bf.jpg" "title_image_label" => string(30) "Bay of Islands (Nový Zéland)" ) ) ) }{ protected _file => string(71) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(1) ( "_footer_banner" => NULL ) }
"_footer" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(66) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(1) ( "_scripts" => NULL ) }
"bg_white" => bool TRUE "breadcrumbs" => NULL "_slot_right_col" => object View(2){ protected _file => string(75) "/var/www/" protected _data => array(2) ( "siteconfig" => array(11) ( "server_url" => string(17) "" "imageserver" => string(20) "" "server_name" => string(17) "" "author" => string(17) "" "description" => string(46) " - Inspirace pro vaše cesty." "site_url" => string(25) "" "page_name" => string(17) "" "default_driver" => string(4) "file" "default_lifetime" => integer 60000 "gsm_api_key" => string(39) "AIzaSyD48UJ4Ir8Ev3BU4NeXZ-2l-wGx51-UKbQ" "openweatherkey" => string(32) "dc88375539835da276ef040156f95c3f" ) "continents" => array(3) ( 0 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "AF" "name" => string(6) "Afrika" "asciiname" => string(7) "/afrika" "latitude" => string(7) "7.18810" "longitude" => string(8) "21.09375" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "28" "url" => string(7) "/afrika" ) 1 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "EU" "name" => string(6) "Evropa" "asciiname" => string(7) "/evropa" "latitude" => string(8) "48.69096" "longitude" => string(7) "9.14062" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "39" "url" => string(7) "/evropa" ) 2 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "NA" "name" => string(7) "Amerika" "asciiname" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" "latitude" => string(8) "46.07323" "longitude" => string(10) "-100.54688" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "21" "url" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" ) ) ) }
"_footer_links" => array(0) ) }{ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool TRUE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
public response => object Response(5){ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(40) "zeme-<country_id>-<country_url>(/<page>)" protected _regex => array(2) ( "page" => string(3) "\d+" "country_id" => string(3) "\d+" ) protected _defaults => array(2) ( "controller" => string(7) "Country" "action" => string(6) "detail" ) protected _route_regex => string(79) "#^zeme-(?P<country_id>\d+)-(?P<country_url>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<page>\d+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(7) "Country" protected _action => string(6) "detail" protected _uri => string(13) "zeme-271-blog" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(2) ( "country_id" => string(3) "271" "country_url" => string(4) "blog" ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}{ protected _status => integer 200 protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
public siteconfig => array(11) ( "server_url" => string(17) "" "imageserver" => string(20) "" "server_name" => string(17) "" "author" => string(17) "" "description" => string(46) " - Inspirace pro vaše cesty." "site_url" => string(25) "" "page_name" => string(17) "" "default_driver" => string(4) "file" "default_lifetime" => integer 60000 "gsm_api_key" => string(39) "AIzaSyD48UJ4Ir8Ev3BU4NeXZ-2l-wGx51-UKbQ" "openweatherkey" => string(32) "dc88375539835da276ef040156f95c3f" ) public continents => array(3) ( 0 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "AF" "name" => string(6) "Afrika" "asciiname" => string(7) "/afrika" "latitude" => string(7) "7.18810" "longitude" => string(8) "21.09375" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "28" "url" => string(7) "/afrika" ) 1 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "EU" "name" => string(6) "Evropa" "asciiname" => string(7) "/evropa" "latitude" => string(8) "48.69096" "longitude" => string(7) "9.14062" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "39" "url" => string(7) "/evropa" ) 2 => array(8) ( "cont_code" => string(2) "NA" "name" => string(7) "Amerika" "asciiname" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" "latitude" => string(8) "46.07323" "longitude" => string(10) "-100.54688" "marker" => string(55) "" "countries" => string(2) "21" "url" => string(16) "/severni-amerika" ) ) }{ }
protected _body => string(0) "" protected _cookies => array(0) protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" }89 90 // Create a new instance of the controller 91 $controller = $class->newInstance($request, $response); 92 93 // Run the controller's execute() method 94 $response = $class->getMethod('execute')->invoke($controller); 95 96 if ( ! $response instanceof Response) 97 { 98 // Controller failed to return a Response. 99 throw new Kohana_Exception('Controller failed to return a Response');
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client.php [ 114 ] » Kohana_Request_Client_Internal->execute_request(arguments)
object Request(19)
{ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool TRUE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(40) "zeme-<country_id>-<country_url>(/<page>)" protected _regex => array(2) ( "page" => string(3) "\d+" "country_id" => string(3) "\d+" ) protected _defaults => array(2) ( "controller" => string(7) "Country" "action" => string(6) "detail" ) protected _route_regex => string(79) "#^zeme-(?P<country_id>\d+)-(?P<country_url>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<page>\d+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(7) "Country" protected _action => string(6) "detail" protected _uri => string(13) "zeme-271-blog" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(2) ( "country_id" => string(3) "271" "country_url" => string(4) "blog" ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
object Response(5)
{ protected _status => integer 200 protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
{ }
protected _body => string(0) "" protected _cookies => array(0) protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" }109 $orig_response = $response = Response::factory(['_protocol' => $request->protocol()]); 110 111 if (($cache = $this->cache()) instanceof HTTP_Cache) 112 return $cache->execute($this, $request, $response); 113 114 $response = $this->execute_request($request, $response); 115 116 // Execute response callbacks 117 foreach ($this->header_callbacks() as $header => $callback) 118 { 119 if ($response->headers($header))
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request.php [ 1000 ] » Kohana_Request_Client->execute(arguments)
object Request(19)
{ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool TRUE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(40) "zeme-<country_id>-<country_url>(/<page>)" protected _regex => array(2) ( "page" => string(3) "\d+" "country_id" => string(3) "\d+" ) protected _defaults => array(2) ( "controller" => string(7) "Country" "action" => string(6) "detail" ) protected _route_regex => string(79) "#^zeme-(?P<country_id>\d+)-(?P<country_url>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<page>\d+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(7) "Country" protected _action => string(6) "detail" protected _uri => string(13) "zeme-271-blog" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(2) ( "country_id" => string(3) "271" "country_url" => string(4) "blog" ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}995 throw new Request_Exception('Unable to execute :uri without a Kohana_Request_Client', [ 996 ':uri' => $this->_uri, 997 ]); 998 } 999 1000 return $this->_client->execute($this); 1001 } 1002 1003 /** 1004 * Returns whether this request is the initial request Kohana received. 1005 * Can be used to test for sub requests.
DOCROOT/index.php [ 123 ] » Kohana_Request->execute()
118 /** 119 * Execute the main request. A source of the URI can be passed, eg: $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']. 120 * If no source is specified, the URI will be automatically detected. 121 */ 122 echo Request::factory(TRUE, array(), FALSE) 123 ->execute() 124 ->send_headers(TRUE) 125 ->body(); 126 }