
Top 5 most dangerous animals for humans

Before answering the question of danger, it is still necessary to agree on what this concept implies. In general, an animal is considered dangerous when it is capable of killing many individuals. To do this, he must be in contact with a large proportion of the population. If you wanted to include a shark in the top five, you failed because this animal doesn't have much of an appetite for people and doesn't frequent the same living quarters.

To help you, know that the danger often comes not from the animal itself, but from the owners who accompany it. You may already be starting to name a few of the five most dangerous animals to humans... Here's the solution!

Mosquito: undoubtedly the most dangerous

Mosquitoes are indeed man's number one enemy because they alone kill almost 750,000 people worldwide every year. It is not so much the animal itself that kills, but the viruses that it transmits by biting its victims. These are several types of mosquitoes that can carry about forty different viruses. The latter are called "arboviruses", i.e. they are viruses reproduced by blood-sucking insects. The best known mosquito-borne diseases are malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, chikungunya and Zika virus disease.

The last type of mosquito that is talked about a lot and that makes Westerners tremble is tiger mosquitoes. It appeared in the USA in the 80s, then in Europe in the 90s. It is not surprising that it developed in the main areas of tourism and commerce.
It has an excellent ability to travel because its eggs are protected by an impenetrable shell, allowing them to withstand sub-zero temperatures and insecticides. They are able to hatch more than a year after laying. And unlike many species, the tiger mosquito bites during the day: therefore, it is more difficult to protect yourself from it. For the most dangerous animals in the UK to stay away from, read this article.


The snail carries a parasite called schistosome, which causes schistosomiasis (or bilharziasis), a chronic disease that kills 110,000 people every year.

Pollution occurs as a result of activities resulting in contact with contaminated water. Children of school age are especially susceptible to this disease, where the principles of general hygiene are not observed. The fight against schistosomiasis is organized by hydrotherapy and the fight against gastropods. Check also: "We rarely make big mistakes": how do we bet on sports?


The snake is a major threat in South and Southeast Asia, as well as in sub-Saharan Africa, the regions with the highest number of cases. 100,000 people die each year from snake bites.

In our countries, it turns out that most snakes are not poisonous. If the first symptoms commonly seen in the victim are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tachycardia and chills, then they are more related to the emotions caused by the bite, fueled by a collective imagination that strongly links the snake and death. In the event of a bite, it is advisable to remain calm, but still go to the doctor without delay.


The cause of death in dogs is actually the rabies virus. About 60,000 people worldwide die from it every year. The disease, which is not found in France, is especially prevalent in Asia and Africa. The virus is present in saliva and is transmitted by the bite of an infected animal, or by scratching or simply licking broken skin or mucous membranes.

Man to man wolf

Like other animals, humans can transmit various diseases to their fellows. The latter is related to the coronavirus. On May 11, 2020, the estimated worldwide death toll attributed to him surpassed 282,000.

But let's not forget the human ability to kill for all sorts of unreasonable motives, which is also a great inspiration for TV series: the number of murders worldwide is estimated at 460,000 people.
